Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Webprofiler and settings.local.php

I didn't realise the Webprofiler module has now been spun out of Devel. Took me ages to realise that some of my local dev sites failing was because the recommended Drupal 9 snippet for settings.local.php was failing.

  1. Update the Devel module. 
  2. Then install Webprofiler module
  3. Change your relevant settings.local.php snippet to include:

// Webprofiler settings
$class_loader->addPsr4('Drupal\\webprofiler\\', [ $app_root . '/modules/contrib/webprofiler/src']);
$settings['container_base_class'] = '\Drupal\webprofiler\DependencyInjection\TraceableContainer';

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Running Cron in Drupal 7

I'm having big snags running the Cron task in Drupal 7 via my main host.

Rather than trying to call Cron with wget or lynx (which has resulted in many failures), I found a simple structure is to call cron via Drush, for example:

drush --root=/home/cognimatic/public_html --quiet cron

Either use your cPanel interface to edit Cron tasks or follow the guide at to edit your Crontab. Just make sure Drush can be called from anywhere within your server file structure and you define the root directory (the one that will have index.php and robots.txt etc in it) for your Drupal site.

Just remember you need to have Drush running on your hosting server to use this approach - see or a previous post on this blog to help you.

Nothing's easy. If it was, everyone would do it.


Monday, August 21, 2017

Installing Drush on Shared Hosting (Vidahost)

I followed the guide at to install Drush on my current host of choice (Vidahost), but couldn't get Drush to work properly. Problem #1: Couldn't find CLI. Problem #2: Drush 'master' wouldn't work with my many Drupal 7.x sites.

Here's the skinny:
  • First edit your .bashrc file that Vidahost puts in the root folder and make sure the PHP alias is pointing to the CLI version of the PHP release you are using. For Drupal 7 and 8, PHP 5.6 seems to be fine:
    • Type nano .bashrc
    • Remove any aliases to PHP in the file and add the following:
      • alias php='/usr/bin/php-5.6-cli'
    • CTRL + x to save and exit the file
    • Type source .bashrc to reload your Bash file and set up the alias.
  • Install Composer in your root folder
    • curl -sS | php
    • Leave files where they are (leaves lots of files in root, but park that OCD for a change).
  • Type nano .bash_profile to add an alias:
    • alias composer="'/usr/bin/php-5.6-cli' ~/composer.phar"
    • This adds an alias to the PHP 5.6 CLI location on Vidahost - may well work for other hosts too.
  • Save your file (ctrl-X) then run your Bash file with source .bash_profile
  • Get Drush (version 8 works with Drupal 6, 7 & 8) 
    • composer global require drush/drush:8.x
  • Update your .bash_profile with another alias
    • alias drush="~/.composer/vendor/bin/drush"
  • Reload Bash file:
    • source .bash_profile
  • Type drush to see if things are working.
Fame and fortune await (etc).